Sunday, September 30, 2007

I like gum!

Really seriously. Gum is necessary for an acceptable day. I once went 28 days without gum and it was terrible (due to loss of gum and all that is entailed in the chewing of such). What follows will be gum reviews (gum - the top spot on daily list of important items).

I will be trying new gum all the time and rating it based on a bunch of catergories that my close friends
(and the editor of the blog) came up with. The categories will be rated 1 - 10. 10 is the best.


1) How long the gum is chewable. This will be timed informally. Like I will eat a pack and then make my own judgement call

2) Flava' Yeah! - basically does the gum taste bad or not.

3) Packaging - is it cute or creative

4) Physical consistancy - does it break up in your mouth

5) Overall recommendation - when to chew the gum (if at all).

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