Monday, October 8, 2007

Gum #5: Quench Gum

Gum Brand: Mueller Quench Gum: Thirst Quenching Gum For Active People

Flava: Double Orange & Fruit Punch

Chew Time: 3- starts off with a kick of sweet and sour but that quickly fades away- leaving me to chew the rest of the pack.

Flava: 3- its just not that great (i mean- at first its good- but so disappointing when it turns gross that it really overwhelms the goodness of the first taste)

Packaging: 3. It's like the early 90's- Bright orange and pink (two colors that do not complement well) and lettering in yellow and red? ugh! What interested me was the "thirst quenching" claim (totally not true by the way) and "for active people" because I like to think I am pretty active and deserve a special gum.

Physical Consistency: 7. It doesn't disenigrate but trust me- you will wish it would once the flava is all gone (in about 3 minutes).

Overall Recommendation: 3.5. Just not as special as I wanted it to be. Oh- and its not even sugar free so it just increases thirst and cavities. yuck!

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