Sunday, October 14, 2007

Gum #9: Bubblicious- Lebron James Lightning Lemondade

Chew Time: This one is a record-breaker. Seriously. I will take a moment to explain what's happening here. Taste buds have pores which convert the taste into a nerve impulse and sends the impulse to the brain by a sensory nerve fiber. Upon receiving the message, your brain classifies the different kinds of taste. This is how you can distinguish the difference between say, the taste of chewing gum and that of a ham sandwhich.
Unfortunately with Lebron James Bubblicious Lighening Lemonade Gum, the impulse you receive does not coincide with the expectations created by the packaging. In fact, in the world of Lebron James, lemonade must equal ham sandwich. HAM SaANDWICH.
THIS IS DISTURBING. It gets an 8 for its foolery.

Packaging: 5- Looks like all Bubblicious brand gums- circa 1988. It kinda brings me back to the safe womb of childhood.

Consistency: Not sure. Forced to dispose of gum due to ham sandwich suprise.

Overall Recommendation: It's interesting and wierd. an experience for a boring day- give a piece to someone you hate.

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