Monday, October 8, 2007

Gum #6: Orbit and Eclipse Big E Paks

Brand Name: Looks like BingePak- which is pretty much what you're gonna do given that the container houses 60 pieces of gum.

Flava: I've seen bubblegum flava, spearmint and peppermint. Not sure about others

Chew Time: Orbit and Eclipse White last a good long time - both in flavor and consistency - I give it a 7.5

Packaging: 6: Kinda upsetting that I keep reading BigEPak as BingePak. I do like that there's lots of gum here though- you may even feel so gum-rich - you will be inspired to share. But maybe not.

Consistency: Does not disinitgrate in the mouth. yay. 8

Overall Recommendation: 7.5 If the word binge bothers you - stay away from this gum because with 60 pieces of gum - you will be thinking/reading that word a lot.

1 comment:

scourtwright said...

honestly, the last time I truly felt "gum rich" was in 1987, when I bought a package of packs of gum. There must have been 20 packs there. I flaunted it around, made new friends... I was on top of the gum world.

Easy come easy go. When the gum well dried up so did my king status among the other 5th graders.