Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Gum #7: C.Howard's Violet Gum...or....

who the hell put a old person in a wrapper and sold it as gum! that's sick. let the dead (or nearly dead) rest in peace.

Chew Time: 1 (I give it until the first physical compression of molars in which gum is smooshed for the very first time- instantly releasing odor and taste of doom)

Packaging: 1: Looks like the last container of this gum was manufactured in the depression era or maybe during prohibition (which should have included Chowards cause it tastes more volitale than Georgi Vodka) It gets one point for not being just naked on the shelf.

Consistency- Does not dissenegrate in mouth. Boo. I give it a 2.

Overall Recommendation: I give it a 1.5- or 2 if you're into self- punishment. I mean seriously though- it tastes like a nursing home. i am just too young for retirement.
if you are like me- and not over 95 years old- just skip this one.


scourtwright said...

I think my grandpa still chews this gum from the 1850's. By the way they still eat "ice milk" for a treat after dinner.

scourtwright said...

oh yeah... when my grandpa game me this gum I thought I was being punished, or poisoned (or both!).