Friday, October 12, 2007

Gum #8: Ace It Test Performance Gum

Chew Time: I guess however long it takes to finish that exam- if you're as hyped as the gum says you'll be- probably not too long. I give it a 3

Packaging: Okay its really 1995 here- decorated with a (number-2?) pencil sharpened to perfection, early 90's- rebel teen font that just screams "angst!!!" , and if you look closely- scantron bubbles enhancing the background with a real educational "chew this gum for your future" feel. It gets a 6. Oh- and not sure where to mention this- but it was also sold with a fine layer of dust encasing the entire package- making me feel like I had finally uncovered zack's permanent record. I revise my previous score- it gets an 8.

Consistency: Starts off hard and crusty- tasting like it looked on the shelf- but quickly springs back to life. tastes like chemicals. chemicals and like i should've studied harder. eh- just swallowed part of it- this doesn't bode well. i give it a 3.

Overall Recommendation: I'm kinda stumped on this one. I better skip it and come back if I have time.

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