Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gum: Nutra-Trim

Gum: Nutra-Trim Weight Management Gum
Flava: Berry

Chew-Time: Not very long. The gum goes through several distinct and consistent phases* in my mouth- but all pass within 3 minutes and the gum becomes bland and hard.


*gum phases explained:

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Skittles Black

Gum: Skittles Xtreme Fruit (black box) Gum

Chew-Time: 3- the flavor fades xtremely fast

Packaging: 8- It's cute and fun and more up to date than most

Consistency: This part is confusing to me because the taste and feel of skittles in my mouth makes me want to do what people do with skittles- chew, swallow, repeat. Thus, this gum doesn't last long partly due to past experience and habit. This gum doesn't dissenegrate in mouth but I kind of want it to- just because it tastes like it should. And when the flavor disappears (roughly 5 minutes) there is no reason for it to remain in my mouth. I give it a 3

Overall Recommendation: I feel like I love this gum- because it tastes like skittles. But do I actually love skittles gum or just skittles? Every time I chew this gum I feel like I wish I could swallow it. Or make it sugar free. One positive- one package of skittles gum has 150 calories (as opposed to a package of skittles candy which has 210 or 250?)
I give it a 6.459

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Gum #9: Bubblicious- Lebron James Lightning Lemondade

Chew Time: This one is a record-breaker. Seriously. I will take a moment to explain what's happening here. Taste buds have pores which convert the taste into a nerve impulse and sends the impulse to the brain by a sensory nerve fiber. Upon receiving the message, your brain classifies the different kinds of taste. This is how you can distinguish the difference between say, the taste of chewing gum and that of a ham sandwhich.
Unfortunately with Lebron James Bubblicious Lighening Lemonade Gum, the impulse you receive does not coincide with the expectations created by the packaging. In fact, in the world of Lebron James, lemonade must equal ham sandwich. HAM SaANDWICH.
THIS IS DISTURBING. It gets an 8 for its foolery.

Packaging: 5- Looks like all Bubblicious brand gums- circa 1988. It kinda brings me back to the safe womb of childhood.

Consistency: Not sure. Forced to dispose of gum due to ham sandwich suprise.

Overall Recommendation: It's interesting and wierd. an experience for a boring day- give a piece to someone you hate.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Gum #8: Ace It Test Performance Gum

Chew Time: I guess however long it takes to finish that exam- if you're as hyped as the gum says you'll be- probably not too long. I give it a 3

Packaging: Okay its really 1995 here- decorated with a (number-2?) pencil sharpened to perfection, early 90's- rebel teen font that just screams "angst!!!" , and if you look closely- scantron bubbles enhancing the background with a real educational "chew this gum for your future" feel. It gets a 6. Oh- and not sure where to mention this- but it was also sold with a fine layer of dust encasing the entire package- making me feel like I had finally uncovered zack's permanent record. I revise my previous score- it gets an 8.

Consistency: Starts off hard and crusty- tasting like it looked on the shelf- but quickly springs back to life. tastes like chemicals. chemicals and like i should've studied harder. eh- just swallowed part of it- this doesn't bode well. i give it a 3.

Overall Recommendation: I'm kinda stumped on this one. I better skip it and come back if I have time.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Gum #7: C.Howard's Violet Gum...or....

who the hell put a old person in a wrapper and sold it as gum! that's sick. let the dead (or nearly dead) rest in peace.

Chew Time: 1 (I give it until the first physical compression of molars in which gum is smooshed for the very first time- instantly releasing odor and taste of doom)

Packaging: 1: Looks like the last container of this gum was manufactured in the depression era or maybe during prohibition (which should have included Chowards cause it tastes more volitale than Georgi Vodka) It gets one point for not being just naked on the shelf.

Consistency- Does not dissenegrate in mouth. Boo. I give it a 2.

Overall Recommendation: I give it a 1.5- or 2 if you're into self- punishment. I mean seriously though- it tastes like a nursing home. i am just too young for retirement.
if you are like me- and not over 95 years old- just skip this one.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Gum #6: Orbit and Eclipse Big E Paks

Brand Name: Looks like BingePak- which is pretty much what you're gonna do given that the container houses 60 pieces of gum.

Flava: I've seen bubblegum flava, spearmint and peppermint. Not sure about others

Chew Time: Orbit and Eclipse White last a good long time - both in flavor and consistency - I give it a 7.5

Packaging: 6: Kinda upsetting that I keep reading BigEPak as BingePak. I do like that there's lots of gum here though- you may even feel so gum-rich - you will be inspired to share. But maybe not.

Consistency: Does not disinitgrate in the mouth. yay. 8

Overall Recommendation: 7.5 If the word binge bothers you - stay away from this gum because with 60 pieces of gum - you will be thinking/reading that word a lot.

Quench Gum Follow-Up

After doing a little research on the sad experience that was Quench Gum, I found some interesting claims... Thanks for the misinformation ugh.

New and improved Quench® chunks are now 38% bigger
and maintain flavor longer. Three delicious lemon, orange
and fruit flavors appeal to active people of all ages.

Quench Gum the original sports gum for active people! Quench is America's #1 Sports Gum and has numbers to prove it!

• Quench Gum has been used by teams in all of the major sports leagues - MLB, NFL, NHL & NBA as well as NCAA teams for over 30 years.

• Quench 300pc. Tubs ranked #1 in sales per unit in all sporting goods stores for the last three years.

• New for 2005 - our 10-stick shelf talker display is ranked #6 in sales per unit which gives Quench Gum two items in the top 10 (300pc Tub #1).

• Quench Gum has #1 Market share (45%) for units sold in the Sport Nutrition category in Sporting Goods YTD 2005.